Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just Chillin'.

Saturday afternoon, we had the priviledge of rendezvousing with beloved friends on the West side of Seattle, a.k.a. Alki Beach.

As you can clearly see here, said friends were a serious bunch.

Will had fun taking Preston 4x4'ing in the sand.

And popping wheelies on the boardwalk.

It was cold. Windy. Chilling. Biting. Nippy.

But good times were had by all.

And I do mean everyone...

We meandered down the boardwalk. Erika and I discussed our opinions on her mother-in-law, jobs, babies, future babies, and most importantly what is going to happen on the final episode of The Bachelor.

I have no clue what the guys talked about. Probably not about The Bachelor though.

I found the Statue of Liberty. It's new. Courtesy of the Boy Scouts of America. It had some new and different features though.

That's all.

Now, may I have your attention. Preston wanted to tell you something.


Marissa said...

What a fun outing! We were at the coast this weekend and Mister wouldn't even get out his beach toys to play, it was so freezing! If it wasn't windy it would've been ok, but he kept begging to go back to the car.... Poor guy, he'd been looking forward to the beach for days. As for the Bachelor, I'm having some friends over to watch it (and the After the Final Rose thing) tonight. Want to make the drive down? Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun weekend. I wish I was there to talk about the Bachelor with you guys. James gets board of me talking about it. I need some girlie girls for that kind of conversation.

The High Family said...

Ooooo that looked cold but fun! Isn't the new bachelor from the Seattle area? I haven't been keeping up with it this season...could I be the only one?

Unknown said...

That looks like fun. You guys always go on the funnest outings. I love the curves on the statue. :)

monica said...

your outing looked REALLY cold. hopefully warmer spring weather will visit seattly soon.

Pistolmom said...
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