Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Taylor Post: Rice Please.

Hi there.

Just thought I'd update you on my progress with solid foods.

What can I say? I love rice cereal.

They tried to trick me into peas this morning, and maybe they got a few bites past me, but no more. Now I'm onto their tricks. I now carefully inspect every spoonful that comes towards my mouth.

They should know by now that all I eat is rice, rice, and rice!

And mommy's milk of course. And no bottles please. Just straight from the source and that's it. And yes I will put up a huge fuss if you try to make me do it any other way.

Picky? Nahhh. I just like to consider myself a man of taste. I know what I like and don't settle for less!

P.S. Beach Bum post below.

1 comment:

Dan Thomas said...

So he likes Rice. That should make him want to sleep through the night!