Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Some days I feel like a SuperMom - where I show my kids tons of love, make them scrumptous meals, have a clean house, everyone takes their naps and goes to bed on time, and we're happy.

Then there are the days when nobody listens to me, Preston is yelling and disobedient, Taylor is nonstop fussy, the house is a pig sty, and no one is very happy.

This last few days have sort of been like the latter example.

Then tonight I read an article by a mom who's son has a disease that will cause him to die before he turns 3 years old.  He is 18 months old right now. I saw this photo of them in the New York Times article...

 I thought my goodness, that little boy looks so much like our little Taylor.

It really put things into perspective for me today.  The article talked about loving our children NOW.  Did I love my children today, now?  Not so much.  I spent a lot of time being upset that Preston wasn't obeying me and that I had to get after him so much.

And then after reading that article, all I wanted to do was go into my boys' bedrooms and pick them up out of their beds and hold them.

So anyway.  A little perspective for you.

In other news, Will went to Mt Rainier with my Dad the other day and took this panoramic. Beautiful.


Sandy said...

Thanks for the kind reminder. Also, we really need to get your Dad's photos into the Jackson Hole gallaries!! He's the best

Carolyn said...

That's so true....so often we think about "tomorrow" and "next week", or even "next year" instead of right here and now. We need to be grateful for what is in front of us right now....and we all need that reminder from time to time.

Dad was glad that Will went with him on the trip.....I think that they had a good time. He wants to go back one more time.....he still hasn't gotten the "right shot" yet.