Thursday, September 23, 2010

Date Night!

This was me last Saturday night.

I was...

It was our first night alone since Taylor was born.

Okay, okay. I should clarify.

Technically it wasn't a night alone. We brought Taylor with us, and we went to our stake's adult dance so we were surrounded by a lot of people...

But the point is, is that we had a DATE NIGHT. And we got to dance with each other - which we love doing and hardly ever get the chance to do.

It was called "The Chocolate Ball" because they had a ginormous chocolate fountain with an array of different treats to dip in the chocolate.

Taylor was...

(by the way, Karen is wearing a special dress because she danced in the "Dancing with the Stars" competition that night doing the Waltz)


Preston was quite excited to have had a babysitter that night. They watched The Incredibles and Kristen let him play with her cell phone - which was the highlight of his evening.

I should clarify that Preston wasn't dressed up like that for the babysitter. That photo was actually taken the next morning after church.

And just for kicks...

As I was going through photos, I stumbled across these gems of Preston from when he was a year old. They made me giggle so I had to post him. Don't you just want to pinch his cheeks?

Walking in the Rain post below. Scroll down.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for a date night. It's always great to go dancing. We can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Unknown said...

so glad that someone is going on a date. hahaha. i will just live vicariously through you guys. have fun this weekend!!!

Will and Heidi said...

hooray for dates! and dancing!!