Saturday, October 30, 2004

Halloween're probably wondering about our costumes, WHICH, by the way I will have you know that we won the contest for "Best Costume".

We went to a Halloween party dressed up as an elderly missionary couple. Will stuffed his shirt with a pillow, and parted and greased his hair real nerdy and put on some glasses. I stuffed my bra, and put a pillow in my behind as well. I also wore a LOT of blush on my cheeks, bright lipstick, glasses and put my hair in a bun. I also pulled my skirt all the way up to my chest.

Will's sister, Tessha, made the comment that he looked just like his Grandpa. Haha.

Above: Those are just socks he is touching. ;) Well, technically he wasn't even touching me, it just looks like it.

Above: This Grandma and Grandpa still got it goin' on. Oh yeeeeeeeah.

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