Monday, December 13, 2010

All He's Been Talking About...

So many of you know that we are searching for a bigger house to move into. Well, Preston has one of those huge race cars that you sit in and can drive around - only we keep it in his room to sit in because we don't want to haul it up and down our flight of 24 stairs (it's HEAVY). So he's actually never been able to drive it outside yet.

Well, the other day, I told him that when we move to the "new house" he'll get to drive his yellow car outside.

For the past 3 days, ALL he has done is push his yellow car around his room and say "Get the yellow car out at da NEW house!!".

He is soooooooooooooo excited. It's very cute. Too bad 2 year olds don't really get the concept of time and he doesn't realize that we probably won't be moving into a new house for a while yet.

In other news, Taylor has discovered his tongue. Pictures to come soon.


James and Elizabeth said...

So cute

Dan Thomas said...

Does not the concept of time change
for us all over the years! I can remember when a year was so long! Now they come and go so fast.

Carolyn said...

Gee, I wish I could go for a ride in the yellow car too!

Taylor and his tongue? This ought to be cute!