Thursday, March 24, 2005

Jenni's Temple Day

The day finally came in my life where I had the opportunity to go through the temple. For those who don't know about the Mormon Temples, they are sacred beautiful buildings for worship - but you have to be a worthy person to enter. You also have to go through a series of interviews with your bishop and stake president beforehand.

Will and I worked very hard to make sure that we kept ourselves clean and worthy so that we could be married in the temple - which meant we saved ourselves for our wedding night. It made the whole experience of the temple and the wedding so much more beautiful and worth it.

It was also really neat to have my parents there, two of my brothers, my grandparents (mom's parents), my best friend Dawn, and of course Will - the man I was going to marry for Eternity. There is a room in the temple called the "Celestial Room" and it is very white, clean, and pure with a big chandelier, and it so beautiful. Being there with my entire family brought tears to my eyes and I truly felt like I was in Heaven.

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