Wednesday, April 14, 2010

100 Miles Success

I need to blog about Will's race, but even since we've gotten home it's been run here, do that, clean this, go here.

So I haven't had time. Yet.

But I did want to let you know that he FINISHED!!! He did awesome. He ran it in 28 hours, 49 minutes. Out of 50 racers, only 10 finished the 100 miles and he was one of them. Most of the others dropped out. Talk about endurance!

For those on Facebook, I posted a 10 min video that I put together of Will's race. Check it out there. Or hopefully by the end of the week I'll have it posted here, if you can wait.


Vern Eastley said...

Will, you're awesome!

Lori-ann said...

Hey, I was just going to say that Will is awesome!

Well, he is!

Carolyn said...

Will, fantastic job! Are your sore muscles finally starting to ease up a bit?

Sandy said...

That's my boy!! Way to go Will! But then we knew you had it in you all along. Now we know who to send out across the desert to deliver messages in Kansas.