Two Thumbs-Up: An excited Dad-to-Be
I (Jenni) will be 7 weeks along this Thursday, and though we would have liked to have waited a little longer before telling everyone, it has been getting harder and harder to conceal the news due to my morning sickness, absense from church, lack of appetite when out with friends, falling asleep everywhere we go, etc, etc, etc... And also because I feel like I've actually gotten fatter and have been wanting to wear a big sign on my shirt that says "I'm not normally this fat!! I'm pregnant!!"

Where I have been spending most of my mornings lately - notice I have the bathroom set up with all my closest comforts - pillow, applesauce, toilet, etc.
Even my closest friend Erika, told me last night that my face has gotten rounder. What are true friends for, right? Such honesty! Don't worry she and I tell each other stuff like that and we're fine with it. (Although now I have a complex about my face, though Will says it looks exactly the same).
But like my favorite quote from The Devil Wears Prada says "I'm only one flu away from my goalweight!". Which is what I hope morning sickness does for me - gets me back down a couple of pounds. LOL just kidding...sort of.
This is super cute - the first present Will went out and bought for our baby is a "Piggyback" from REI. It's a backpack that you can stick your little rugrat in so you can bring them with you camping and backpacking, etc. I thought it was so fitting that this was our first baby item. Will you are so adorable!
So anyway, for all of you that want to hear the story here it is. If not, that is completely understandable, and if this is where you quit reading - we did just want everyone to know how much we are both excited. We don't care if it is a boy or a girl - just pray for a healthy one. But seeing how we only have girl names picked out and can never agree on boy names, maybe a girl would be a good idea. lol. Our 1st Dr appointment is Nov.5th and we'll let you know how the ultrasound goes.
The Story
Once there was a happy couple...
Happy couple wanted to have kids! But...after a year and a half - still no luck. Happy couple even went to fertility specialists.

(Okay that is just a horrible picture of the happy girl, by the way)
So the Doctor prescribed Clomid to the happy couple - a miracle fertility drug that helps produce multiple eggs during ovulation. The happy girl thought, "Yeah but we're healthy - let's just keep trying ourselves." So the happy couple did not use Clomid.
Meanwhile, the happy girl was not so happy at her dayjob.
Happy girl's job = stress, stress, stress, and MORE stress!
Enter Happy Girl's mother:

Happy girl's mother said month after month, "You just need to quit your job and then you'll get pregnant."
"Yeah right." Happy girl would say.
But finally the job did get too stressful, and the happy girl decided to give her notice to quit.
Happy wife = Happy husband
And thus we have, again, a happy couple.

And then...
After the move, happy girl was 2 days late...
"It's nothing" she thought, as it had turned out to be nothing so many times before.
But then...
It didn't turn out to be nothing. It turned out to be something indeed...
"NO WAY!!!!" she proclaimed out loud in disbelief. And the happy girl proceeded to rip out the instructions on the test to be sure she had taken it accurately.
"ARE YOU SURE??" proclaimed the happy boy, and then two days later had happy girl re-test just to be sure. (Hence the reason for two tests).
And then, the happy girl realized that she should have just listened to her mother in the first place. As the happy couple determined exactly when the bundle of joy was conceived, it was about 2-3 days after she gave notice to quit her job.
The happy girl - standing next to the Snoqualmie Historic Train - 6 wks, 2 dys preggers
Will and Jenni
P.S. Don't forget to read the other blogs - Will has big news. Keep reading...
YEAH!! I swear I was just reading your blog at like 10 PM last night and then I logged in to finish reading about will's ultramarathon and this was posted.
Super excited!
OH MY GOODNESS!! CONGRATS!!! You should have seen my face when I read the title!! I am so excited for you two! I will have to write you an e-mail later...we miss you guys!!
Happy Dave is happy for the happy boy and happy girl on this happy day that I read your happy blog.
Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you. I put a comment on Will's ulatramarathon blog, so you can read that as well....
That's such wonderful news. I agree with "mama" when she says that you and Will are an incredible support system for each other. I really love reading your blog and keeping updated, but more than anything I want so much to be like you guys. You're both great examples of how to be in a marriage, I learn a lot....
ANyway, read the other comment. And your house is amazing! I can't believe how beautiful everything is. It totally fits you. I think about you so much during the holidays b/c we used to sip our wassel, light the candles, turn on the music and watch the Christmas tree together! I love those memories! You have such elegant taste and you're so artistic! I love it. Miss you, and congrats again!
Well I am glad you clarified because I thought you were talking about your fish! J/K CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you guys. I know all to well the stress of ttc over a year and it must be such a wonderful relief to finally have it happen. Congrates again!
p.s. sorry about the whole sick thing, that stinks
Yeah!!! We are so excited for you. James thinks Will gift was the best thing ever. And that it came from REI makes it ten times better. We are so happy for you guys. And we plan on being in the Portland area in July so we can't wait to see you guys then. Enjoy your applesauce.
Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to say thanks for your congratulations and kind words. Yeah I've been pretty sick lately, so reading your emails and comments really make my day. Thanks so much. You all are so great! We're so lucky to have such supportive friends.
Hey! Just came across your blog... (I'm Bryan's youngest sister), I just wanted to say Congrats on being new parents! That's awesome, I'm happy for you guys!
Yeah. (clap. clap) Now the real fun begins. I can't wait to see this cutie little red head. You'll both be awesome parents and for realz your life will NEVER be the same. It'll amaze you what kids will do to your marriage. (that is in a good way). Love the backpack. Seriously, this kid is gonna be running marathons and hiking Everest by three. Congrats and the sickness is worth it but is doesn't mean that it is easy. (I shouldn't give advice on that though cause I think I threw up once while prego with Marley.) Hang in there kiddo. :)
Congrats, that is so exciting. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a ride! Being parents is a riot! Sorry to hear you are pretty sick, I feel your pain! Hang in there, and eat a lot of popsicles... they always seem to help me? Hope you feel better soon.
OH my goodness! I'm so so so so so excited for you guys! Isn't it crazy how stress can take it's toll on you, and you don't even know it?! I know it's hard to imagine right now, but the morning sickness will eventually pass. I'm so glad you don't have to be at work right now. Sometimes it's crazy to think that people bring this on themselves when you get that sick, huh? Oh, I'm so excited for you! You will be the best parents ever! I love your multiple pregnancy tests too. I did the exact same thing! I should have stock in pregnancy tests. I think I've purchased well over 50 throughout the past few years! Nick thinks I'm crazy... Again, congrats! Can't wait to keep hearing updates!
Congratulations - so exciting!!!
Congrat's you both! That's so neat. We got prego off clomide too. It was such a blessing, we just needed a little help ;). You will have beautiful children. We are so happy for you!!!
Congratulations - we're so excited for you!
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