Monday, July 12, 2010

What We've Been Up To

Wow, well haven't we been the blog slackers lately? Last post was June 27th, and it's now July 12th.

The truth is we haven't been very good at recharging our camera batteries lately, and so every time we do something fun (like the 4th of July, for example), we go to snap photos and the camera says "Recharge the batteries". Grr.

And blog posts just aren't as fun without pictures.

Here are a few precious photo representations of what we've been up to lately. The sad part is we didn't take most of these photos (the ones of Will). Someone else did. LOL

Jenni Update: So above, you see my mom and I. This was last Friday. She came up for the day and helped me go through all of Preston's old baby items and put them away for the new baby. She was a huge help! And even did it in the 95 degree heat.

So afterwards, we went and got massages at a Foot Spa. Don't I look lovely in all of my pregnancy glory? You have NO idea how excited I am to have this baby and look normal again. I feel like a puffer fish right now.

My mom and dad then took Preston home for the weekend so that I could have some time to work on music. I'm right in the middle of composing a filmscore. And given that I am very pregnant, I'm trying to have this project done by mid-July (which is this coming weekend!). I've got 2 more cues to write, record, orchestrate and then I'm basically done with all the major stuff.

I am almost 35 weeks pregnant (34 and 1/2). My official due date is August 20th. However, if you've been reading my pregnancy blog, you know what I've been going through with doctor changes and stuff so that I can try for a VBAC. I did finally find a doctor, but her rules for allowing me to VBAC are that a) I have to go into labor on my own unassisted (no inducement), b) I have to go into labor before my duedate. So basically, in another 2 or 3 weeks, this baby is welcome (and highly encouraged) to make his appearance into the world (I will be 37 weeks by then, and need to have the baby between weeks 37 - 40, otherwise they will do an automatic csection at week 40, a.k.a. my due date). So pray for me that this baby will come early! (Which if you know Preston's birth story...I was one week overdue and had to be I hope this one is different).

I am feeling pretty huge. Pretty uncomfortable. Pretty irritable (maybe that is why I haven't blogged much?). I'm just grateful for my mom who has been a lifesaver and helped out with Preston here and there.

Preston Update: Preston turned 2 in June. He also just recently had his 2 year wellness appointment and proved what we all thought was true: He is a big kid.

He measured 95% and above (off the charts) in both height and weight. He is 36 and 1/2 inches tall, and weighs 35 pounds. He is little to us, but then when he gets around other 2 year olds we see how much taller and bigger he is.

He is still a sweet boy and does some really funny things lately. Although, he does have his moments and disobeys and throws tantrums. He is still really into the whole car phase, especially Lightening McQueen and Mator (from the movie "Cars"). He LOVES to be outside, no matter what it is. He is like his dad in that respect.

Some funny things he has been saying lately are:

- "Thank you!!" (then we'll say "you're welcome") and then he'll say "Very much!"

- "Mark, ready, set, go!" (while playing with his cars)

- "Oh goodness!!!" (thanks to Aunt Tessha)

He also knows all of his colors (though sometimes gets them mixed up). He can basically repeat back everything we say. He knows how to help put his toys away and is getting better at helping us clean when we ask him. He always wants to help with anything and everything and it's very cute.

He LOVES to play with other kids, and has really been excited to go to the park lately. He loves the swing and the slide the best. He also loves "swimming" in the kiddie pool.

We are constantly amazed at how much he understands. Even when we say new words, he just gets them. I think he listens to us a lot more than we give him credit for. The other day I told him that we needed to go get his blanket out of the dryer. He ran straight into the laundry room and waited for me next to the dryer.

Will is especially proud that Preston has gotten his first freckles (see below).

Will Update: Will has been really enjoying himself lately.

Two weeks ago he got himself a road bike and started bike commuting to work. His office is 14 miles away, so it's a 28 mile round trip. He has crashed about 2 times, gotten 3 flat tires, been muddied up by passing trucks, and much much more. He says that he is just glad that he hasn't crashed while just standing there. He saw a cyclist do that the other day. How embarrassing :p

Aside from his fun adventures in bike commuting, he has also been putting up with a major toothache this past week.

If you know anything about Will, you know that he doesn't complain unless it's REALLY bad. And he is also not one to take painkillers.

Well apparently it's been bad enough that he's had to ice his mouth, take painkillers every 4 hours (both Tylenol and Advil). He even went through our medicine cabinet and found an expired bottle of Vikodin and tried that, but being that it was expired it didn't work.

I have felt so bad for him. Last night I found him out on the oversized chair in the living room sleeping because apparently the pain was bad enough that he couldn't lay down because all of the blood rushed to his mouth and throbbed.

He is supposed to go in for a root canal either today or tomorrow to get it fixed. In the meantime, he's been on some antibiotics since Friday to get the infection to go down (this is a tooth problem that he had a year ago, had a root canal to fix it, but apparently it's back and in the next tooth over).

Despite having a sore mouth, he did go and do an adventure race this past Saturday. It was an all-day event where he had to mountain bike, kayak, trail-run, and do some orienteering. He was able to get a blessing the night before and I can say he wouldn't of done that race without it.

That was Will's last race until after the baby is here. He has gotten several invitations to do various adventures, but he has been very nice and respected his super pregnant wife's pleas to hold off on any more adventures for a while.

So anyway that is what we've been up to!


Dan Thomas said...

Maybe Will is feeling pain in his tooth so you don't feel so bad about being pregnant!

Anonymous said...

I hope the root-canal goes smoothly.

Sandy said...

Jenni, I love reading about what's happening at your house. Thanks for blogging!

Carolyn said...

Thanks for "loaning" us Preston for a couple of days! Any time......

Lori-ann said...

Preston is turning into quite a character, isn't he! He's adorable! Jenni, I think you're beautiful pregnant, regardless of how you view yourself. And poor, poor Will. I hope the tooth problem gets fixed. I'm also very glad that he's not doing any more adventures so he can be at home. This is the time you need him the most. What a man! :)