Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Be-Lated Father's Day!

Since we were campin' it up on Father's Day, I'm just now getting to post a little father's day blip for Will. These photos were taken over the weekend.

Happy 2nd Father's Day, Will! Last year, Will got to spend his first father's day in the hospital with Preston and I. The nurse came and brought Will a little teddy bear that was wearing a tie and it said "Happy Father's Day" on it. It was pretty cute.

This year, he got to spend fathers day doing what he loves most - being in the great outdoors. Preston definitely takes after his daddy and loved every minute of it.

Will has by far exceeded my expectations as to what type of father my husband would be to our children. I can see how much he really cares for Preston and puts his needs above his own. And he is always teaching Preston new things too. Preston lights up whenever Will walks in the room and excitedly will say "Dadada!"

We love you Will!

P.S. Camping post coming soon!


Lori-ann said...

Your pictures always look so good! Do you run everything through Photoshop or Photoscape? I don't ever have the time for that - my pictures are "what you see is what you get!" LOL.

Anyway... Happy Father's Day, Will! He looks like a great daddy. Way to go, Will!

Will Thomas said...

Preston & Jenni are what makes being a father so easy and fun! I have a great family!

Unknown said...

Happy Dad Day Will!